Arbitrum Foundation Grant Program - Application Form

Before applying, we strongly recommend reading through the following pages to ensure your submission has the highest chances of success, as these contain critical information in crafting your application responses.

If you have any questions regarding the process after reviewing the pages above, our Frequently Asked Questions page is a great resource for your review.

Once you’re confident you are ready to proceed, please use the link below to access our Grant Application Form : Arbitrum Foundation Grant Program - Application Form

<aside> 💡 For projects that fall outside of the Arbitrum Foundation Grant Program scope, we kindly invite you to explore alternative funding option in the ecosystem.


A Note on KYC/KYB

While we know it's nobody's favorite topic, we do need to speak on Know-Your-Client ("KYC") and Know-Your-Business (”KYB”) procedures. In general, regulators require companies to obtain certain information from individuals receiving company assets to verify their identities and ensure funds are not being provided to persons that would cause the Company to be in violation of any laws or regulations.

As required by regulatory compliance, all grants are subject to KYC/KYB verification. This can involve verification of key project members, legal entities, and anyone with access to the wallet receiving any grant funds. Any projects unwilling to complete required KYC/KYB procedures will not be eligible for grants through this program.

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" /> For any questions relating to the grant program, email us at [email protected] and we will be sure to do our best to respond promptly.
