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Delegate your Voting Power 🤝

We get that keeping up to speed on all things governance can be tough. This is where you can delegate your voting power to others who you think are in the best position to make informed decisions for the DAO.

Delegates serve as representatives of $ARB token holders in the governance of the DAO. Their role involves active participation in forum discussions, attending meetings, and casting votes on proposed changes that shape the DAO’s future.

Do note that when you delegate, you still retain full ownership of the tokens, but your selected delegate will wield the voting power associated with those tokens.

Visit Tally to examine delegate profiles, and if you identify a delegate whose values align with yours, you can seamlessly delegate your token's voting power through the Tally interface.

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Self-delegate and vote on governance yourself! 🗳️

Alternatively, if you’d like to vote on proposals and/or create proposals, you could self-delegate too within Tally.

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** **As a delegate, you should :